TILT: Teens in Leadership Training

Upcoming TILT Training

March 8-9 for


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If you don’t see a date you can attend, connect with us for future dates.  


Cost of Admission:  We suggest a donation of $100-$300 to support our TILT Training.  However, we are excited to announce that our September Training is fully funded by generous donors. Thank you for your continued support!

Typical Schedule: 8:00 am – 6:30 pm

Participant ages: 14-17 years old 

Location: 2323 N Tustin Ave.
Unit J, Santa Ana, CA 92705

Disclaimer: The TILT training is not a substitute for therapy or medical attention. You may not rely on any information provided as a substitute for professional advice.

About the TILT Program

The TILT Program is a 2-day workshop.

Our goal during these two days, is to provide teens, ages 14-17, with the tools and skills for life-long success.

TILT teaches skills for:

  • improving self-esteem 
  • internal values system
  • decision making
  • anger management
  • goal setting
  • clear communication skills

What the program entails

The Teens in leadership training (TILT) is an experiential relationship learning program that consists of 25% lecture, 25% sharing, and 50% experiential exercises such as the following:

The facilitator will present various topics relevant to today’s everyday life. In these discussions, he will discuss a particular point of view about these subjects. The purpose is not for them to agree or disagree with what is said, but rather to assist them in observing how they can relate to these particular subjects. Through self reflection and coaching in the training, they can learn about life principles such as commitments, follow-up, clear communication, conflict resolution, and the power of their own “self talk.”

A dyad is a one-on-one interaction with another participant. They may be asked to answer a series of questions, tell a story, complete sentences, or assume a particular body stance ie. Empowered versus disempowered. They will have the opportunity to look directly at personal issues and to support their dyad partner in doing the same.

A mingle exercise involves moving throughout the room while having short interactions with many people. As in dyads, the communication they have with other people during the seminar is structured.

At the start of the training, you will choose a small group with an average of 5-6 other participants. During the 2 days of the training, they will meet with their small group to discuss and share what they are learning as well as to participate in other exercises. A volunteer staff member will act as facilitator for your group.

During a closed-eye process, the facilitator will guide them through a creative visualization. Frequently, music is used during these processes to promote creativity.

They will, as part of a group, play games to reveal the competitive and cooperative strategies they use, and also to illuminate the possibility of meeting both group and individual commitments throughout their lives.

Throughout the training, they will have the opportunity to learn about themselves through communication such as: sharing what they are learning and listening to the experiences of others. Sharing also occurs one-on-one, in small groups, or it may occur in front of the entire group.

At times, they may have direct interaction with the coach or facilitator. They will relate to the participants from the perspective that they are capable/responsible of effectively handling the circumstances in their life, and that they can commit to extraordinary accomplishments. The coach or facilitator will also ask them to take personal responsibility rather than being powerless in the face of life’s obstacles. These interactions are an opportunity to examine the limitations of their world-view, therefore they may feel challenged or uncomfortable in going outside of their comfort zone.

During the 2-day session, it is important that they get sufficient rest and food. For each day of the training, there will be a 10-15 minute break every 2-3 hours, and a 1-1.5 hour break in the late afternoon. Be sure they eat a sustaining meal each day before coming to the training.

Register Now

  1. To register your teen, please start by filling out the form below.
  2. We will email you a required legal form before the program date. A parent or legal guardian must sign off.
  3. Please leave us a donation to help support future events for your teen and others.

Consider a donation

We rely on donations to support our TILT programs and seminars.

Thank you to our generous donors for fully funding our March 2025 TILT!